The transport of chemicals requires care and precision. Our drivers know that better than anyone. Alblas uses regular drivers on fixed routes.
They know your business and the goods you entrusted to them. They know the risks associated with them take the responsibity for it.
Of course our drivers have the required ADR dergrees and certificates. But additionally Alblas also offers them an internal Alblas program.
Having a degree and really know the risks are finally two very different things!
Our drivers have the necessary ADR degrees and certificates. But additionally Alblas also offers them an internal Alblas program.
Alblas transports packaged dangerous goods of Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9.
Temperature controlled ADR Transport
Chemicals have often critical properties. In addition, a decrease in temperature may mean that the substances are less easily processable.
Alblas International Logistics transports chemicals at a constant temperature of your choice.