Code of Conduct

At Alblas, the policy on social responsibility is described in a code of conduct. The Code of Conduct serves as a binding guideline in our everyday work. It is supplemented by internal guidelines and regulations as well as contractual agreements. In addition, of course, we adhere to national and international legal regulations. That also means that we do not engage in activities based on fraud, embezzlement, extortion, theft or any other deliberate damage to the property of Alblas, our customers or third parties.
You can request our code of conduct at

Non-discrimination statement
We are committed to treating everyone fairly and equally. We promise to avoid discrimination based on things like color, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or social background. When we hire new employees, we take proactive steps to make sure there is no discrimination. We have special training for our managers to raise their awareness and teach them how to create an inclusive and diverse workplace. Our goal is to make sure that everyone feels respected and valued at our company.